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"A Taxi to the Dark Side"

Discussion in 'Political Forum' started by Tmjohnson21, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    So what you saying is if a president sends people to war and hasnt been to war himself then he is a hypocrit? So then that means you are saying Obama is a hypocrit too then.
  2. Tmjohnson21

    Tmjohnson21 Member

    Hypocrite- Obama never started this war. Obama is attempting to end this war that those three stooges started. Unfortunately, we can't just pull out all at once.

    "You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you cant fool all of the people all the time." - Honest Abe

    HAMMER Member

    HYPOCRISY - Bashing midwestmadmen for not answering your question the first time you asked it, but ignoring his question a minimum of 3 times.

    Just Go Away!
  4. bowonly

    bowonly Well-Known Member

    You are right Obama did not start this war his cousin Osama started it by highjacking twou of our planes and driving them into the twintowers, remember that? Oh wait, who cares about American lives we should of kissed there ars after that!
  5. Tmjohnson21

    Tmjohnson21 Member

    Hammer- I have already answered his question numerous times. I said that I have not been in active combat and that I work a desk job. Get your facts straight or JUST GO AWAY. On another note, I am still waiting for you to disprove all these "fallacies" that I "fabricated"!

    Bowonly-Does ignorance joust ooze for your pores, or do you actually have to try to be that simple minded? I don't know how much left you have to lose, but comments like that just diminish your credibility.
  6. bowonly

    bowonly Well-Known Member

    ill tell ya what oozes from your raunchy pores, nonstop bullchit. Tmj get lost.
  7. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    But Obama has sent troops to combat right? Im just trying to see things the way you do. You said that a president who sends troops to combat but has never been to combat himself is a hypocrit. So, since Obama has sent aircraft to conduct bombing raids but has not been a fighter pilot, bomber pilot, or in the military at all then that makes him a hypocrit as well. Also, he downsized Iraq but increased forces in Afghanistan, right? So if he increased the amount of troops going into the war zone that is in fact sending troops to war becaused he increased the amount going over there above and beyond the normal rotation.

    You are very quick to call people hypocrits, but in fact you seem to be the biggest hypocrit of all because you are very quick to call Bush a hypocrit, but if Obama does the same thing you dont call that hypocritical at all. So in other words, if your political party does something its ok, but of a republican or a conservative does it they are hypocrits. Very interesting.
  8. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    You never answered the question. All you did was mention that you have never been in active combat. I didnt ask if you had been in combat, I asked what you did for the Army and if you were a soldier or in a civilian position.

    By the way, what is active combat? Is there inactive combat? Its just combat.
  9. choclab

    choclab Member

    Not to get in a pissing contest but the republicans work the same way. They said Clinton shouldn't be President because he never served but it was Ok that Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld never served. They also condemned Clinton because he said he never inhaled but Bush was a big drunk and drug user in his younger days. Both parties do the same thing. Neither is innocent to tabloid news.
  10. Tmjohnson21

    Tmjohnson21 Member

    Well if I mentioned that I work at a desk, that would indeed imply that I am working a civilian position.

    I am not saying Obama is free of guilt, but this is not his war. I would have liked to see him pull out all troops within the first few months of his inauguration, but obviously high ranking military personnel thought otherwise.
  11. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    Im not talking about parties, Im talking about TMJ. He is very quick to call everyone that does not agree with him a hypocrit, but he seems to be very hypocritical himself.

    TMJ is a very good example of a liberal elitest. They think that they are better, more qualified, and more intelligent than everyone else. They are the type of people that really hurt our government. There are liberal elitest in politics, and they ignore the general American people. You could have a subject voted on and if 90% of the American people voted one way the liberal would ignore that, because they feel that Americans are uneducated like minded fools and they dont need our opinion because they think they know what is better for us than we do. TMJ has expressed numerous times how stupid everyone is, and thats what is sad. Anytime time you are starting to get into a situation where the Gov feels the people serve it instead of the GOV serves the people you have a serious problem. Anytime a lobyist or special interest group have a louder voice than the general population, that is sad. But thats how liberals work. Anyone who thinks that this country is majority liberal is off their rocker. Just take this forum for example, TMJ is one of a kind and he receives a little support from choclab here and there. But there are numerous members that battle with him constantly against his views and have been for quite a few months or I guess even a couple years. That would be the majority in the political portion of the forum. But when numerous people gang up on him and tell him he is wrong, then he refers to them as uneducated like minded fools and complains about the people of Nebraska. Well guess what buddy, Nebraskans are red blooded American people that work their ass's off and pay taxes so they have the right to have all the opinion they want, no matter how stupid you may think they are.

    Tmj likes to constantly throw his education out there and how his schooling makes him and his opinions so much better than everyone out there. But, last time I checked you dont have to have a high dollar education to be a citizen, have an opinion, or vote. It takes all types to make this country run, everything from the employee on mimimum wage all the way up to the man who makes millions a year and everything in between. And not a single one of them is better than the other. My parents could not afford to send me to college, so I went out and joined the Army to stand on my own two feet and pay for my own education. So since TMJ was able to go to school right away does that make him a better citizen with a bigger voice than I do that has the right to attempt to discredit my 11 years of Active Duty service in the United States Army with multiple combat deployments, numerous awards and decorations, and the blood sweat and tears I have sacrificed to prove I love this country?

    TMJ is very typical of his party. They claim to represent the middle class people, but when the middle class speaks we suddenly become uneducated idiots that do not know what we are talking about.
  12. Tmjohnson21

    Tmjohnson21 Member

    If you oink like a pig, smell like a pig, and eat like a pig, chances are, you are a pig. I do not believe that you need a fancy education to vote, but you must know the basic facts. I have not heard you state a single fact throughout this debate. All you can do is say that I am a typical liberal. My father, who as a young adult did not have the financial means to attend a "fancy" college, still educates himself on the facts.
  13. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    Well TMJ, last time I checked you do not have to take a test on the basic facts to enter the voting booth or to have an opinion.
  14. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    Im not going to state facts because it all depends on what channels you use to find facts and statistics. I can research and find facts that will be contrary to yours. But Im not going to waste my time because not everything you read or hear is 100% solid truth. Media and everything else is very good at swaying facts and numbers to benefit whatever political party they support. There is such a thing as propaganda. I do believe earlier you stated Fox news is propaganda. So what makes CNN's reports any less propaganda than that of FOX's?
  15. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Well-Known Member

    First off let me start by saying "thank you for serving our country". I just wanted to touch on the part where you mention liberal elitist. Don't really want to discuss your argument about TMJ, due to that mostly being an opinion of him and how he carries himself on this forum. If I may, I do agree 100% about your statement that they know what we need more than we ourselves do. I do agree, but don't think that it is fair to lay all that blame on the democratic party. I really believe that both sides of the aisle represent themselves this way. I don't believe that our voices mean anything to any of them anymore. I see that we have created a monster that we call "government". With the recent actions of bail outs, health care reform, and proposed tax hikes, I would venture to say that government has done what is best for them for at least the last 50 years or more... We can sit and point fingers all we want at democrats, republicans, or tea baggers, but the reality of it is they all suck. As far as representation for the middle class, what is that? Is there really a middle class anymore, or are the powers that be doing everything that they can to remove that? I am a plumber by trade, and recently got out of it to go rep for a wholesaler. I am glad I got out when I did. I just heard from a friend of mine yesterday that he knows of at least two plumbing shops in Omaha that have cut their men's wages by 20%. 20%!!! With the cost of living damn near doubling every six months, I don't know how anyone can sit by and say I think we need to cut pay. And I used plumbers for an example, but it comes no where close to stopping there. I for one am completely fed up with everyone in our government and think that they all need PAY CUTS, HORRIBLE HEALTH INSURANCE, oh yeah and then be furloughed... After that they can be shown the exit and maybe we can get some true Americans into office. Maybe that is not the answer, maybe I don't have it, maybe we are eternally screwed as a country. If anyone does have all of the answers, step up to the mic, it's now your turn.
  16. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    Headhunter, you are right. I dont claim a certain party, but because our GOV has become so corrupt one has to choose the lesser of 2 evils. I have a feeling that alot of the politicians are hypocrits and are much more worried about themselves than the American people. They can design a healthcare plan that is to be good for us, but not good for them. They live a life of do as I say, not as I do. If we as normal citizens tried half the crap they do we would get blasted for it.

    We need GOV officials that truly believe they are servants of this country and the American people. I 100% agree that this GOV has turned into a monster. Yes Im sure our voices mean something, but a special interest group with some money to offer for a campain fund means more.

    Basically this started as one subject and blew up into 100 other things. Anytime anyone starts to get an edge on TMJ he redirects the focus to something else. Very good debate tactic, but it has been seen so many times it really doesnt work that well. Its kind of a chicken sh-t way of doing things.

    I really dont claim a single party nor do I claim the Republicans are innocent as well. TMJ just assumes I am Republican because Im not an Obama fan. To be honest, I am dissapointed with the republicans too on many subjects. Bottom line, the Government has become too big, too many programs, too much spending, and so on. I honestly believe alot of them think the American people are here to serve them. What they dont get is we vote them in to be our representative of our voice, not our tax spenders with their extremely frivolous lives.
  17. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    Headhunter, by the way. Thank you for thanking me for my service and being professional with your words. That is much nicer than someone constantly trying to discredit my service. That is a very ugly tactic TMJ uses.
  18. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Well-Known Member

    You make some great points, and when I don't have kids to wrangle I will look over them closer as it's a good read. I found this to be particularly interesting as people feel that I am a liberal due to not bashing just Obama most times. I just find that people need to be accountable for their actions, or they will continue on as they were. This can be true in so many aspects. You see, politics don't always have to be a knock down drag out fist fight...
  19. Tmjohnson21

    Tmjohnson21 Member

    I agree one hundred percent with "politics don't HAVE to be a knock down, drag out fist fight". Unfortunately, that is how it has become. Most people choose to watch either Fox or CNN and only read either the WSJ or the NYT. I subscribe to both, and have them delivered to my dormitory everyday. Contrary to your belief Midwestmadman, I side with the republican view point at times. My maternal grandfather is a raging liberal and my paternal aunts and uncles are raging right wingers. I have learned to tune both extremes out and think for myself.

    Statistics can be skewed by presentation only. Numbers are numbers; they are concrete. I post statistics, and if you find them to be appalling, don't assume they are fake, but rather look into those numbers and maybe you will begin to vote for what is best, instead of which party is presenting it.
  20. midwestmadmen

    midwestmadmen Member

    Believe me, I do think for myself and I also vote for what is best. I dont care about parties, I care what is best for the American people and the Country I love. I am a very very patriotic person. Are some of my opinions on things like interigation a little hardcore, maybe so. But, I am one of those that will do whatever it takes to protect Old Glory. That is why I mentioned early on in the post, war is ugly and there are some necessary evils that have to happen, but as I said, whatever it takes to protect this wonderful Country. I dont expect people to like what has to happen at times, its just unfortunate that the media is able to dig some of that up and let people know about it. You guys shouldnt have to hear about it at all, because yes some of it is disturbing.

    Honestly TMJ, you should be glad that there are people out there that are willing to go to the extreme for this Country, because that is what keeps our freedoms safe. You like the freedom of speech and to have your own opinion, and you like to come on here and argue politics. Thats great because you are exercising a right that men and women have died to protect! Because that is a freedom we have as Americans. Its a beautiful thing, but think if you lived in a Country like Iraq used to be under the Sadaam reign. If people spoke against Sadaam in any way they were executed. They were not entitled to an opinion. Sometimes it takes extremes to protect those types of freedom.

    Honestly TMJ, you seem like a very intelligent guy that is good at doing research and loves to debate. (Thats a compliment). But just step back once and realize there are things that you may not quite understand. I know there are statistics to support how many plots have or have not been foiled by interigation, but not all of that gets reported. There are things that go on behind the curtains in the military world that the general pop will never know. It has to be that way. What if we discovered a plot but not all of the members of the plot knew we had discovered it yet, would we want to advertise that so those involved could know and go into hiding just to reorganize at a later time? When you play poker you dont tell the other players what cards you have, its the same type of thing. Ive said it 100 times in here, War is ugly. WW II, the great war, was just as ugly, but because the media did not have the technology back then alot of it was never reported, and thats a good thing.

    I understand debate and politics, and its a great thing because its proof of freedom. All I ask is politics aside, try to understand why people do what they have to do to win a war and dont poke them in the eye for doing it. Because believe it or not, they are doing it for you and every other red blooded American. Men that do those jobs dont enjoy that stuff, hell they have to live with what they have done for the rest of their lives, but they do it and make that sacrifice to protect you and everyone else. This is a very different enemy and they are very hard to find. There is nothing conventional about it.

    I dont defend the GOV because I am pretty dissapointed in alot of it, both parties, both sides of the house. I defend the military. One of my knees is going to be shot, I have back problems that will only get worse with age and they are bad now, I have seen things that will haunt me for the rest of my life, and I have nightmares worse than any horror movie could ever be, I lost a relationship with a woman that I loved with all my heart. That is all from the wars. But guess what, I would do it over and over again because I BELIEVE in what I was doing because it was for the USA. There are others that have been through 10 times worse than me and have been over there many more times than me, and what hurts is when we put that much heart and soul into something and someone tells us it was all in vain because it was an unjust or unnessary war. When we look at our friends that we lost over there and are told they died for no reason because it was for oil. Its like someone stabbing us in the heart to hear stuff like that because its coming from the ones we went to fight for and defend.

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